My ambition is being a dictator

Sex Education – Socrates Debater’s Club

Status Quo

A polemic about urgency sex education inserted into school curriculum , is discourse that filed through lately. This discourse came up because of the many free sex among teenagers. The 2008 survey results Data of the Ministry of women’s Empowerment,  show 63 percent of teens have sex in JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL. While 21 percent of high school students had an abortion.

When you hear the word sex then most people think of making love. Actually, sex is a gender that distinguish men and women biologically . Sexuality involving many dimensions including biological dimension, regarding to the reproductive organs, how to care for hygiene and health. The psychological dimension, where the sexuality of identity is associated with the type of roles, feelings toward sexuality and how to perform its function as the sexual beings. the social dimension, related to how sexuality appears in relationship between human neighborhood as well as how influential in the formation of the views on sexuality and sexual behavior options; and cultural dimensions, showing that the behavior that sex is part of the culture that exists in the community.

sex education should have been given to learners already go teenagers ,either through  formal or informal education. This is important so that no one have wrong perception about sex. Based on the grain deal 184 countries including Indonesia which was conceived of in Cairo in 1994, one of the grain deal was sought and formulated sexual and reproductive health care as well as providing comprehensive information including for teenagers.

Sex is important because :

the first is when a person becomes a teenager but, they don’t understand what is sex because their parents think that sex is a something taboo. So because they don’t understand about sex, teenagers may be not responsible for sex and health anatomy reproduction .

Second, because teenagers don’t know what it is sex, then they will find out what is sex from sources that offered freely. Through commodities spatially pornography , such as vcd , a magazine , the internet , to the television loop already lead to things like that . because teenagers don’t know what that actual sex then this will cause it to have sex outside of marriage, unwanted pregnancy, and transmission of venereal disease.

rearranged and translated into English from (original post)



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